Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I have started thinking about New Year resolutions.

i know that you don't/ shouldn't necessarily wait until the new year to start new habits- which often means putting things off for quite sometime, with the excuse of "after the new year."

But none the less i enjoy the tradition of thinking about what you hope to accomplish in the new year.

1. acquire Tommy on vinyl.

2. get the stereo all hooked up and working together. this is already partly accomplished- though one speaker isn't working and the record player needs to be part of it.

3. get the cactus garden going in the window planter. we need plants that can defend them selves against cats.

4. Tim and i started working on a creative project together last summer. I totally let the ball drop on my end of it. I need and want to get going on the project again.

5. go to the gym 3 days a week. i have been doing better, but the holidays have me at 1 day, 2 tops.


the NEO-traditionalist said...

What noble resolutions you have here! I haven't even thought of mine, isn't that awful? I should get started I suppose... Thanks for the inspiration darling! You can do it!

AVY said...

Cats and cactuses sounds like a dangerous combination...