holiday vacation time is over, and I'm back at work.
i am trying very hard to A. be thankful i have a job that pays OK. i am doing what i want to do, but I'm board, and i don't like the people i work with.
and B. think of it as" just a job." to try to be more focused and productive at work, and to just let it all go. i have new things going on in my life and i am very excited about them.
i am in Roller Girl Training. the more i lean about the group and time i spend with them, the more i like them. i hope to make new friends out side of work and high school. maybe make some job contacts. etc.
the league requires everyone to be on 2 committees- this is how the league runs. it basically ends up being volunteer time, which is great.
plus, i am now on a practicing team. often i like practice more than actual game time. so i am getting some serious forced exercised, that doesn't care that I'm tired, we have 1/2 hr more to go.

i am going back to school. this semester i am in 1 class, due to scheduling conflicts. when i went to school the first time, i want to get in and out in 4 years, and get a job. i did that. but i couldn't take many of the classes i wanted to. so now i am enrolled in the Metro State Art department with a concentration in drawing. ultimately, i would like to be a children's book illustrator/ ow a children's clothing line.

i would still like to peruse an MBA program, i need to set a date to start studying by, and a date to be prepared for the GMAT. i did a lot of research last fall on MBA programs and the requirements, etc. right now i have 4 evenings a week booked- but Tim's schedule is changing too... maybe i can plan to study for an hr. before he gets home a couple days a week.
i am changing my diet. some out of choice some because i have too. my stomach has decided that it prefers that i eat very little gluten and lactose. i am trying to push those 2 things almost completely out of my diet, as well as other processed grains and empty calories, like rice.

i am doing some volunteer art layout for this is a web site that helps cancer patients stay connected with friends and family's- working kind of like a blog, but also has resources and message walls, etc. Tim's brother's wife dealt with cancer last yr. she came out clean and strong. now they are volunteering to help this site grow and create awareness. They are the guest speakers at the Benefit party in a couple months. i am doing the invitations/RSVP cards, and possibly the program for this event.
i have not done nearly enough volunteering in my life. we get busy, we forget. but i like doing it, its amazing what it does for your self esteem.
that reminds me, its time to donate blood.
what else this yr? i don't know. hopefully some travel outside of Kansas [though i hope to see lots of great road side attractions while were there]. hopefully a book or story publish for Tim- he has been working very hard this yr to grow as a writer. i cant wait to get started on our yard! we got a lot of grass killed and rototilled last fall. i planted some bulbs- NO idea what color the tulips will be. i want to get everything planted on time this yr, so its not all trying to ripen at the end of October. it will be a long, cold wet spring here. it doesn't really warm up until may for us- but we have long warm falls.

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