Wednesday, August 16, 2006

lunch break

i went out to lunch today, because i didnt make a sandwhich this morning.

i used to go out w/ a girl i worked w/. once a week we would go somewhere. it was fun to have a friend at work to gossip w/ aobut everything else other that the office meltdowns of the day.

she got married and quit work. i tryed to get a few other people to go to lunch w/ me, but they always have reasons not to go. at first i thought everyone would notice that i was the only one at chipotle or wherever eatting by myself, but as i looed arround today and the last few times i have been out, i notticed a large amount of obviously office people eatting by their selves.
Why is this? are people so hassled during work that they enjoy eatting alone quietly? or like me can they not find someone else to go to lunch w/?

i wish i had the courage to go sit w/ another lone eater... or that there was a larger table reserved for singles, even if you dont talk to anyone you get the chance to sit w/ someone else at lunch.

sometime maybe.

i dont know if i will keep this blog up for more than a week, before i forget aobut it. but maybe it will be good for me. in the last 2 months i have had alot of ups and downs. broke up w/ a long time boyfriend that i love dearly- [he's not who he used to be, and is afraide to try to be again, i am sorry for him going through life w/ crushing fear of everything.] i got my motorcycle licends, bought a vespa and found out my insurance was more than i bargened for. a friend from kindergarden got married, i went to the wedding, but she never called me back later. 2 friends moved far away, and others just live on the other side of town. a few started grad school. and i, well i dont know aobut the futre, but i am afraide of it, for reason that may be disclosed later when i'm not supposed to be heading back to work.

i dont clame to be a writter, or even to write very coherently. my spelling leaves much to be desired.
so if you comment, dont comment on how poorly written this blog is, or how poorly spelled. thats not really the point, is it?

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