Tuesday, March 08, 2011

ref name

I have finally been offered a Ref name for roller derby. Ref names tend to be more fun and less about your brutal destruction.
Something to think about is how it will be shortened.

i'm really pretty damn excited. I've been with the league for over 2 years, and 1.5 of those as an NSO.
I had an awesome name idea a couple months ago, but forgot to write it down and thus forgot what it was. booo.

A name is often quiet personal. But I don't seem to be able to come up w/ anything that is personal to me, with the exception of Most. Deaf, or hair color references.

Mos Deaf
Awesome Sauce
Red Hornet
Ginger Rael
Poppy Shiner
Randi Knickers
Nikita Krushyou

Whats your vote?

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