Friday, May 23, 2008

the weekend

its friday. "so whats wrong with that?" you say.
because as i was leaving work yesterday i thought it was friday and was ready to start the weekend, only to have to get up and come in today [which now feels like saturday, and i'm a bit resentful.]

I would like to say we are done moving and have handed back the keys to the apt. not so. still the straggling closets of coats and random crap... and the tumble weeds of cat hair to be cleaned up. We keep underestimating the amount left to do over there, so it keeps dragging out. I keep saying "this weekend, we'll finish it." ow ever it seems like a waste of a weekend, though our evening are not much better spent. I hate moving. i am so glad to not have to move again for at least several years. maybe tonight i will suck it up and got get a bunch of stuff, maybe do some cleaning.

its memorial weekend. we have no plans. Tim is working till 2 saturday morning trying to get a last min. job done. so i'm on my own for friday. saturday theres various evens going on around town. sunday we have a friends bbq that we may attend. but otherwise?? hiking maybe, if anyone wants to join us.
we have decided to try to go hiking every weekend. we are starting with short hikes that are fairly level and working our way up, hopefully by mid summer or so we will be ready to do some serious hiking.

i am thinking more and more that i would like to go see my grandma this summer. previous years i have gone out for 4th of July, as her small town always does a big celebration with lots of ill planned activities. theres the drive in movie theater and the rhinos buried in ashes. i have other great aunts and uncles near by. Tim makes fun of me, but i love visiting Nebraska, i think its a beautiful state. un like Kansas it is not all flat. in fact a lot of it is not flat. my grandma lives up in the sand hills. we turn off I-80 at north platte and wind our way up the back roads to her house.
we should prolly also visit some of Tims relatives in Kansas as well.

i wish i had more vacation time.

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