What I have learned over the years, is that people like lists, and you are more likely to get what you want because of them. Also, this was fun to make.

Other ideas: Vespa anything, Gnomes, bird bath or house for the garden, vintage table cloths, ?
Of course there are some other over priced gadgets that I lust after, but none that I actually need *ahem* ipad2, nook, patagonia down sweater, cannon rebel, wing back chairs, scooter chrome, etc, etc.
Been following for awhile. Do you have any luck with orchids?
I had a free one from the grocery store [due to pricing mix up] that live a full year and a half before it kicked it.
My house is a bit too cold probably and it was either getting too much or too little water.
I had the type show in the photo- palenopsis [sp?] they are supposed to be the best beginner orchids, and easiest to keep alive.
I've killed about seventeen orchids and counting and don't get me started on the bonsai.
To be fair, my other house plants are cactus. They can defend themselves from the cats, and I can forget to water them for quite a long time.
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