Thursday, May 28, 2009


i haven't posted much in a while. i have a camera full of pictures that i keep meaning to put here and thus holding off on posting.

went to the foot Dr. the other day. he gave me exercises to do to make my feet stop hurting when i skate. so for now the derby career is on hold while i try to strengthen up. thinking about it, all the exercises i was given, are things i was doing before i started skating- when only my ankles were hurting [presumably due to my skates being too big.]
maybe one day i will be a real roller girl!

then we went to Kansas. really it was a pretty good trip. Tim and his mom and i drove out together. stopping along the way to do all the road side attractions. this was the perfect time to visit Kansas. Everything was lush and green. i didn't see the flat part of Kansas until we got half way across the state. the rest however, is beautiful rolling hills. we spent 13hrs one day meeting and greeting crazy relatives in their HOT houses. and the rest of the time recovering from that.
at least 2 family members got Black Mold spores in their lungs- and I'm hoping what i have today is allergies and not BM.

i feel good this week. we got out of town. I'm not worried about skating. i can focus on something i can do at home. i can work on the yard and getting the house shaped up. its almost like a real summer vacation- except for the being in an office in a windowless warehouse all day.

its time to think about camping, bonfires, ren fest and farmers markets. YEA.

1 comment:

Anthogna said...

I can't say I'm *sure* it's black mold...the allergies just don't usually go quite this deep in my lungs. It'll go away soon, I think...