First, I'm going to say good by to Ozzy. he has now been gone a month and i don't believe he is coming back. he was a mean little fucker. but when he chose, he could be the most loving purring kitty out there. I still look out the bedroom window every morning, expecting to see him sitting on the recycle bin, waiting for breakfast.
Below: picture in the first day or 2 Tim had him. he was 1.5 lbs.

fully size, but not full fluf. taken during the summer when he slimmed down. that red heat tag was punishment for loosing so many collars. nothing says "neighborhood bad ass" like a giant red heart.
Falkor was scared of the electrician today. and got wedged between the washer and furnace. i didn't realize until he had been there quite a while that he was actually stuck. and PISSED.

Professor Phennius Cheeto Esq. is now 1. theoretically this means he is no longer a kitten. somehow i think he will always be a kitten. Still skitterish, but slowly getting better.

annnnnd... kabuki just barfed up her dinner.
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