Tuesday, September 08, 2009


Received news recently that some friends are moving to Taiwan in mid Nov. they got an offer to teach English. so if anyone is looking for or knows some one looking for an apartment, they are looking for someone to sublet until the lease ends in March. They are near Denver West and i think rent is around $850 a month. 2 bed + garage.

I am officially claiming it to be Prof. Cheeto's Birthday. As of September he is about 1 yr. old. [and adorable as ever.] i will try to get a new photo of him. hopefully one that does not have him running away or looking terrified.

Tim and i started talking about Halloween this weekend. We are excited that it is on a Saturday, so there is time for a whole weekend of party's, costumes and other goodness. I realized recently that i have never been a cat or a witch for Halloween. i was once a PuppyKittyButerfly, but that is as close as i got. i don't remember all my costumes but here are the ones i do remember:
my little pony, ballerina, puppykitttybuterfly, Indian, lobster, surfer, dead gardener [everyone thought i was a crappy scarecrow.], a court jester, a vampire, annnd... some assorted combinations courtesy of goodwill. cant remember what else. i feel that my gold lamae leggings need to be worked into a costume at some point that weekend.

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