Wednesday, August 06, 2008


why why why does New Yankee Candle have its Halloween stuff up? i love Halloween and all, but i think they may have beat out Walmart.

in further news it appears that i will ahve access to a rototiller this weekend. things could get very exciting.


Sztuczka said...

i was in a hallmark wandering one of the malls a week or so ago and they had halloween stuff up too.

it's getting as bad as christmas stuff being up before thanksgiving!

Anthogna said...

Isn't it kind of sad what qualifies as exciting these days? Having your little hand aerater (sp?) has been quite fun and useful. My 15-year-old self groans that I can say that.

erinrae said...

the aerator is fun. our yard has the easy spots and hard spot. so it was kinda fun getting to the easy points after the harder stuff... yeah...