Monday, October 02, 2006

365 self portraites

i read something recently that stated the idea of taking a picture of yourself every day for a year. really i think this would be a great coffee table book.

and then i thought: i can do this
and then i though: isnt it conceited to indulge in taking a photo of your self everyday, and then assume that people would want to look at you every day for a year?

i realize people usualy to this sort of project on some sort of photo sharing/viewing site, but i really dont what to redgester to anymore sites, so i figured i would do it here.

so i ask all 4 or 5 poeple that actually read this: should i partake on this project?


Quog said...

Narcisistic? Sure! But why not?

Go for it!

MrB said...

Go for it :)