Were getting a house!
We haven't post much about this, for several reasons. [for 1. i'm up to my wazoo in work crap.]
it started with a thought. we have some friends who were talking about buying. I have been thinking that we did not have enough money saved up for a down payment and that it would be a year or more before we could afford to own our own home.
most little girls dream of a white wedding and so forth. me, i'v always wanted home ownership. i love house magazines and cannot wait to have a house of my own.
so we sat down, we talked about it. talked to the bank, opened a high yield savings account and started surfing the remax web site. we looked, we discussed, etc, etc... got ourselves a realitor [who i recommend to anyone else who's looking], saw some houses that were.. well, ask us, it involves crack, and some houses that were ok. and oddly enough the first one we looked at was the best of the bunch.
apparently 1. all of the metro area is a "declining market" which means you need an 85 down. 2. the roof is great, the garage is crap. 3. get your inspection done on a rainie day, then you know if there are leaks.
so anyway, we are rolling right long. we've got our sellers agreed to everything, bank approval and inspection is done. right now we are just waiting to close. [april 25.]
we really are VERY VERY VERY excited.
...and thats what weve been up to. more or less.
Congrats by the way :-) I'm excited for you! And yes, I'll be there to help move...have you picked a date yet?
not sure. depends on a number of things. but dont worry, we'll keep you in the loop. [your not getting out of it that easily.]
how exciting! assuming you move on a day i don't work, I'm always around to help too ^_^
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hear that guys, i have a likeable blog. who knew.
Score! Of course, it's quite fitting... you're rather likeable, and hence your blog is as well.
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