Wednesday, November 28, 2012


It seems that we have had some extraordinary sunrises and sunsets this fall. Here are a few photos I have snapped with my phone. None have been cleaned up or edited in anyway.

This morning

Sunset Nov 24th- North sky

Sunset Nov 24th- South sky
Sunset Oct 15th

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Writing to write

My Christmas Cactus is getting ready to bloom. Lets hope that this year my cats don't eat all of the buds off. [Apparently there are variety's that are actually Thanksgiving Cactus's.]

Tomorrow I have my first day off from work that hasn't involved a doctors appointment in a month. I think I'm going to try to schedule a visit to the chiropractor. My back is feeling wonky- and worse and worse, really. I haven't been in for an adjustment in at least a year, maybe two.
We had a very wonderful and much needed Sunday of sitting around watching TV. Seems like we have been so busy and so tired lately.

I'm working on xmas gift lists. What to get other people, what to ask for my self. My birthday is in December, so its always a bit odd. I need to start writing things down and saving lists. My husband and father are the hardest to shop for.

A few years ago I finally admitted to my self just how much I truly enjoy the holidays. Its not so much about presents- but more about decorating, party's  food, friends, movies, music and beautiful things. Its all I can do to not stock up of lots of decorations at Target. For one, I don't have much space in my house for display [or storage], for two, our cats do tend to get into things, and I hate to find things broken or knocked over.
This year I'm not sure my house will get much love. My store, however, is getting totally decorated. I am making paper garlands, snow flakes and window displays this week. We will have gift boxes and shrink wrap. I have some fun kids holiday things, but also just great supplies. Art supplies doesn't need a season.
I am trying to get some homemade ornaments and cards to sell on consignment as well. I am really thrilled to be a part of a small business district.We are promoting both Small Business Saturday and in December Jingle Mingle. There will be a window display contest. Not sure that we will win, but I most certainly win for most contentiously changing window display.

This December will be crazy. I have lots of classes planned in the shop, and the general hubbub, and well, everything else. I'm excited.

I have a ripe pomegranate on the kitchen counter. I think I will devour it tomorrow.
This probably sounds weird  but I am totally looking forward to doing some major hose cleaning and garage tetrasing tomorrow.Maybe work in the yard. I am just glad to have nothing planned.

My husband has just returned from the store with a box of wine and ingredients to make potato leek bacon soup and roasted brusselsprouts with pancetta and some sort of salad.

We had a long talk about Thanksgiving planning. Maybe doing a friends potluck TG on Friday, looked at recipes for delicious things.

Wouldn't it be fun to do a once a month iron chef style pot luck with a set of friends? Like, say, everyone bring a dish involving potatoes. Then assign main course, apatizer, salad, dessert.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hearing update 2012

An update for this year....

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Table settings

I am bad about cleaning photos off of my camera. Looking through photos today, pulling some for work, I found some from my husbands birthday dinner in April. Every time we do a dinner party, i find my self wanting to photograph the glassware and table setting. They rarely come out well, which I like to blame on lack of correct lens and too much clutter in my house- which makes for a bad back ground.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I have recently discovered that I am now far enough into adulthood that my pallet has changed. In recent weeks I have consumed eggplant, squash and even, yes, zucchini [and didn't barf]. I can now taste the nuttiness of eggplant rather than and overwhelming bitterness. The squash and zucchini were both well sauced, but with out the harsh bite I remember them having.
I've never been a particularly picky eater, but I am happy to admit that its nice to add a few more vegetables to the list of things I will willingly eat.
I will probably never seek out zucchini, but I might not have to pick all of it out of my "mixed vegetables."
In a forum discussion recently, regarding foods people do and don't like, someone said that, as a child his father told him, "pick a single food to hate with out question." Basically once you chose something you wouldn't be forced to eat it, but you would be expected to eat everything else. Apparently this man in now in his 40s and had made it his whole life without ever having tried brussel sprouts.

Thursday, August 09, 2012

oi being deaf

Being deaf...

I couldn't tell the Pandora had stopped today.. and in fact was sure I was still listening to low volume music of some sort.

I saw a discussion the other day about being comfortable discussing your deafness. I continue to be surprised by the number of people who are young and have grown up deaf, who are terrified to mention it to anyone. If they get into a conversation they cant follow, they just walk away. I don't quite understand why. I mean, clearly they are shy and embarrassed, but what a way to go through life.
I think I tell 95% of the people who walk into my store that I'm deaf, and they are going to have to : speak up, be closer to me, slow down, etc. Most people either don't get it, or do, but very very few look at you like they are annoyed. Its not that big of a deal and things end to go better when you are up front about it as soon as a situation arises aka, if you have asked them to repeat them selves at least once already.

Saturday, August 04, 2012

First Friday- August

There is something exciting about starting out each new month with a First Friday celebration. First of all it is a chance to have quite a few people wander through the store who might not normally step in. Some of these people buy things- fun things like origami kits and coloring books and fruit scented markers. Some people look around seriously and tell us they will be back to do some more serious shopping later.
I like changing out the window display monthly. Its a lot of work, but it seems to keep people interested. Scooter didn't catch your eye? Maybe the superheros will.
From the business standpoint its nice to have a little jump start to the monthly revenue goal.

I'm exhausted this morning, and going into a very crazy week. We have our first class tomorrow and Wednesday. Thursday we are setting up for the county fair which runs all weekend.  I will be glad when It is over. The next event is not until Oct 6th.

Friday, August 03, 2012

lima beans

I discovered yesterday that canned lima beans are smaller than frozen lima beans. They also smell funny.

I also made a pretty darn good lima bean bake:

1 can lima beans, rinsed and drained.
1 head of cauliflower chopped/ broken into small bits.
olive oil
Italian seasoning mix
feta cheese
spicy Italian sausage
sliced black olives

Oven at 400.
Drizzle some olive oil into the bottom of a casserole dish. Use a cauliflower clump to spread around evenly.
Cook sausage, breaking up int chunks.
Layer in cauliflower, lima beans, sprinkle paprika and italian seasoning, black olives, feta cheese and sausage.
Mix together.
Cover with foil and bake for 30 min. Remove foil, bake 10 min.

Thursday, August 02, 2012

a walk to work

I really like walking to work. How ever I dislike getting to work and being all sweaty. I cant wait until the morning are cooler.
To day I walked by a house that was a cute little cottage, with big trees in the front yard. I could see iris and a few other things poking through the tall weedy grass- over running what looked like it was, at one time, a very beautiful garden.
I found my self wondering as I often do what had happened. Had some one moved, or passed away? Were new owners unable to keep up with the demands of the garden? What did it look like when it was in top shape?

When I lived in Ft. Collins I used to regularly drive by a house the had kitty head shaped wooden fence post toppers. Someone clearly spent a lot of time making them.

Friday, July 20, 2012

All the things are changing

Not only have I let this blog go by the wayside, my garden has too. between hot weather, sprinkler problems, new schedules and not pulling the weeds our vegetable garden is looking pretty over run and ragged.

Quite embarrassing.

I am back to work full time. My shop opened its doors on June 1st. I'm busy, I'm stressed and I'm working a much different schedule than I ever have before. My husband has also changed jobs. Things are slowly starting to shift into a routine.

In local news:

Its been extraordinarily hot this summer.

There was a shooting at the premier of the new Batman movie last night. 12 are dead and 59 wounded. Denver is in shock. Very sad.

annnd.. thats it. Just been busy putting one foot in front of the other.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Yard update

We have been finally getting around to working in the yard the last few weekends.
New mulch, working on the flagstone patio, bought seeds to plant, lawn mowing- all the good stuff.

In other news, I now have a phone that supports instagram and have been having a great time photographing flowers in the yard. Here are a few:

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Yeash, I have not meant to let this blog go by the wayside. mainly I have been busy, or not feeling like blog worthy things were happening.

But now, news:

I have been working [for over a year] to start my own business. I recently signed a lease for a store front space, located on Tennyson St. in North Denver. Things are moving fast and I hope to open my doors before June 1st.
Thank you for friends and family for all of your support, warm wishes encouragement advice and ideas. You have made me feel truly blessed.
If you haven't already, go "like" Super Good Art Stuff  and watch for news about the grand opening. I would love to see you all there.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Give Away!

 Enter to win a copy of the New Sunset Western Gardening book. My mother was asked to review the book, and in exchange was given 5 books to give away on her blog The Art Garden.
Drawing ends soon, so hustle on over there and leave a message.

Monday, March 05, 2012


I'm pretty excited to see the explosion of color in fashion this spring. Its been slowly trickling back after several years of black/ gray/ tan/ white pallets.
It seems as though we are collectively saying "fuck this depression. I'm tired of this shit. Its time to have some fun."

Lets hope. Seem slike a change of attitude- collectively, is what we need.

Friday, February 17, 2012

SGAS Follow up

Well, its been close to 3 weeks. I have not raised a single cent. Well, not here anyway. I have received another generous family loan, and am now down to needing $15k.

Thank you for all of the well wishes from friends and family.

I am applying for a formal loan to finish fund raising. and trying to secure a space. I have turned in an application on one space, but have not heard back yet.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Super Good Art Stuff

I received some bummer inducing news earlier this week, my application for Kickstarter was denied.

I have been debating about what to do. The reason behind a Kickstarter campaign was to allow the friends and family and random strangers to donate a few bucks, in a legitimate way. [Please don't hand me $3 cash, I will probably end up at a froyo shop.]
Moving forward I think the best thing to do will be to place info on this blog and FaceBook, set up like a Kickstarter page.

The Down Low:
I am opening a small art supplies store in the Tennyson Art District in Denver, CO. My dream is for this to be a warm, fun, community  friendly store, carrying student and professional grade art supplies. I plan to run classes for children through adults- think Painting With Your Pet, Graphic Novel Illustration or Macaroni Snow Flakes. I cant wait to participate in Tennyson First Friday shenanigans.

What I Need:
I need $63,000 to make this happen. That seems like a lot of money, and it is. But fear not, at this time I have raised $38,000 through a grant, gifts and a generous private loan. At this time I am researching SBA type loans.

I NEED $25,000

How Your Contribution Helps:
SBA type loans have very high interest rates. The less I have to pay back, the easier it is for me to financially run a successful business.
The money collected will go toward working capital, fixtures, office equipment  like computers and printers, and inventory.
I have heard a lot of support from friends and family. People telling me that they would like to help me out- if you have $2 to donate, that's fantastic. If you have $100 to donate that's fantastic. If you are broke and want to send well wishes, I would love to hear from you!
If You Contribute:
$1- $25: A heaping spoon of gratitude and an invitation to our grand opening.
$26- $50: Store logo bumper sticker
$51- $75: 4 post cards designed for this project
$100 and up: 1 piece of original art work

You are making a contribution to ME. This is not a charity, or a non-profit. The money collected will go toward working capital, fixtures, office things like computers and printers, and inventory. A contribution does not make you a shareholder, or in anyway involved with the business. No money will be returned or payed back. You are not guaranteed anything, except the contribution "prizes" as stated above.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

I didn't get x-mas cards out this year, so I figured I would go for Happy New Year cards.
In 2011 we:
Bought a tent with our REI dividend. On one of the trips an animal stole one of my shoes, in the night. I have now happily replaced them.
Went to NYC for a dear friend's wedding. It was pretty fabulous.
Insulated the crawl space of out house. The floors are much warmer now.
I was able to get new hearing aids, and sent my old ones one to someone who was desperate to have anything. I hope they are serving him well.
Our cats are still cats.
In 2012 we:
Look forward to more home improvement projects.
Getting my store up and running.
Attending a wedding in Madison, WI over St. Patrick's Day.
And, having more camping adventures.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Denver County Fair 2012

The poster for the Denver County Fair 2012 was just realease. I. Love. It.

I am planning to have booth this year and I hope to get a copy of this poster for my self.

Monday, January 23, 2012

ups and downs

Today was a bad day... mainly I discovered that I set some things up incorrectly and trying to correct the situation left me in a temper tantrum aimed at the computer. I think things can be sorted out, but not in the mood I was in today.

On a better note, my husband has decided to start training for a 200 mile relay that is planned for this summer- with a team of equally geeky and out of [running] shape, friends. His usual exercising interests are not of the gym going sort, so the shift to running is new. He is starting with "couch to 5k" and then going from there. I am proud of him for trying something new, committing to this race and recruiting a large number of people for the team.
With the store opening soon, I just cannot commit to this race planned for July. But I am sure it will be great fun.

in other news I have almost 2/3rds of the founding I need to open shop!

Sunday, January 01, 2012

New Year- 2012

I woke up this morning feeling like I should do a 2011 reflection post. I realize that this is about the most common thing being blogged right now, but then, this blog is more for me than for my "readers".

In a nut shell: had an epiphany, started working on a projects, went to San Francisco, went to Arcata, got an awesome job that never materialized, Mr. got a new job, played in the garden, went camping- learned I'm not a bad shot, went camping- lost a shoe, lost unemployment, insulated the crawl space, got new hearing aids, finished business plan, started rewriting business plan, went to Long Island for a dear friends wedding, picked up seasonal job, writing, writing, writing, had a really great birthday, had a pretty good and very family filled xmas and New Years.  Now? I'm as I have been saying for weeks, desperately trying to wrap up the second business plan. The end result will be a large grant, and hopefully something solid that will get me a bank loan.

Overall 2011 was a poor year for us. However, it was  a happy year, for me, mentally. I think because for the first time, in a long time I have something I want and am working towards it. I have been more focused on my goal of starting a small business than I have been of just about anything else in my life. It feels right and I know that it is going to work out. I have tons to learn, and will for quite some time. I am excited and terrified.
The next steps? Secure all funding and find a location to lease.

Resolutions from 2011? One of them was to make a bigger effort to capitalize the beginning of sentences. I was spoiled using Word early on, it auto caps a lot of things. However nothing else does and since I'm closer to 30 than 25, it seems like  I should get my typing shit together. I am still working on this, but it is very slowly becoming more second nature again.
The others? Well, I believe there were some half success' and some un-expected things that technically count, sorta.
All in all 2011 was a pretty happy year for me, I found purpose in my adult life, I learned a lot and I'm quite proud of myself.

I cant wait to see what 2012 brings!  

[probably a lot of stress]